Saturday, August 16, 2008

11. Hedge Bindweed

Calystegia (Convolvulus) sepium jumped out at me on a walk with my younger son and dog this afternoon. It was all alone in (what else?) a hedge (for which the Latin word is sepes) that borders a path in our wilderness-surrounded neighborhood. I lifted M. up to see this lovely pink flower, and the response I got was, "Mmm, pretty. Can we go home now?" Older son O. has been avidly searching on his own in the woods, and has an exciting find I'll share as soon as we get a good picture (camera was on the wrong setting when I sent him back into the woods to photograph it, darn it).

Part of the morning glory family.

From the National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England:

Smooth, twining vine. Flowers 3", funnel-shaped, 5-lobed, pink to white, white-striped. Leaves arrowhead-shaped. Blooms June-Sept. Habitat Watersides, thickets.


Onoclea sensibilis said...

This is really pretty. I don't think I've ever seen a wild morningglory around here.

Christina said...

Yes, it was a lovely sight. I don't think I'd ever seen a wild m.g., either, so it was a first for me.

Unknown said...

Ah, we have that on our land. I just saw it the other day and thought it was escaped morning glory. I didn't know about true wild morning glory.